Saturday, March 19, 2011


I love cupcakes.....for many reasons but mostly because they are fun. What is there not to love about this mini cake! I will have the largest menu for cupcakes but almost all of these can be made into a cake. Here is the thing....I love the weird flavors, bacon, salty, yum. I hope to be trying some of these out soon and can't wait to share them.

I had an order go out today & have one next weekend. We are working on updates as soon as we can so please keep checking back often. Plus like me on facebook, I love to see the new faces!

So what is your favorite cupcake?? One reader may get some samples if you leave a comment on your favorite flavor and why.Cut off date 3/25/11   Lets make this blog worth while!!!



  1. My favorite cupcake is choc choc chip with cream cheese & oreo filling & choc frosting or choc choc chip with almond frosting... Yum yum.... Elizabeth

  2. My fav is either choc choc chip with cream cheese & Oreo filling & choc frosting or choc choc chip with almond frosting. I love choc & cream cheese, love the sweetest & richness. I also love the heavenliness of the almond. The almond takes me back to a simpler time in life...childhood.

  3. My favorite cupcakes are the classics! Vanilla and chocolate - yummm!
